Tuesday, November 14, 2006

XAMPP, ApacheFriends

XAMPP, ApacheFriends - is an open source project that make it possible for newbie to get start with Apache, MySql, Perl or PHP as fast as possible.

I have been use it for a few month now and I have to say that this project rock. Since the XAMPP tool have MySQL bundle with in it installation package it quick tricky for me to setup XAMPP without using MySQL server that bundled (I prefer to use MySQL from a standalone installation, I might change my mind later but that just for now.).

The following step I have been use to setup XAMPP and MySQL 5 to work together.
  1. Install MySQL 5.0.27 download from MySQL.com
  2. Test Make sure MySQL service work properly
    (running MySQL Command Line tool)
  3. Download XAMPP from apachefriends.org
  4. Install XAMPP until the point that it ask
    to install service (Apache, MySQL etc..)
    make sure you click No (you will want to
    configure this service later).

PHP version 5 is activated by default, in my situation I want to work with PHP 4 so what I do:
  1. Double click on the XAMPP Control Panel
    on my desktop and stop Apache service
  2. Start -> Program Files -> apachefriends -> PHP Switch
    (follow instruction on the screen
    to switch PHP version)
Ok, now I got Apache with PHP v4. My next problem is phpMyAdmin can't establish connection to MySQL server. This error because PHP 4 using need to use MySQL old password algorithm.
So again I need to make some change on MySQL server:
  1. Launch MySQL Command Line
  2. Login with password
  3. Type:
    'root'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('my_password')

Viola, mission accomplished.