Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Enter the Matrix: Graphic design reloaded...

What is the goal of SoC? That was a great concept. Except, isn't it IT? you do it all. Anyway, can't complain no more ... what can you say? "Matrix"
Can you fly the helicopters? Not yet ...
No logo, no time to collect photos ... management wants to see something in the up coming meeting 31, Aug 2007 okay.

Let see what I can do? I can't do it all by myself, I need help from my colleague. We got a lot of staffs at the provinces and each province had at less one digital camera. So I told my supervisor that we need to find talent among them ... photo contest we ask the province to submit the best photos from each province.

Option #1 - thanks opensuse.org, it is where I learn the design from.

Option #2 - with e-mail access box...

Option #3 - e-mail access, search box at the bottom.

Now I got something to show
"Team Work" - nothing is impossible.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Can't believe I still living coding VBA

I still love VBA simplify my daily task - lucky me that not perl :))

The code that I need to execute annually. It is a budget allocation process where each commune need to get information about their available budget.

One of my colleague has to works out with Ministry of Finance to come up with the correct budget (various formula) anyway it come out as and excel sheet. I need to transform this into a Microsoft Access table.

Code that I need to execute ~monthly... well this one is World Bank Project where I had forced to take responsible as the last guy to check the data before the report get submit to the World Bank. Well, it not a big task I just grab the data and run a macro again my Sql Server data source - make sure all the record syn.

It works well for the last 3 years, it fast flexible why do I care?

With all the tools available - can't it be improve? why can't it be a web enable process? IT mean simplify...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life without intellisence

Without an intellisence feature my programming life become doom :( I just feel I need to get additional eyes to read between the line :))

Can you tell the different between these lines of code?

${Url.Link('Main page', {@controller='Home', @action='Index'})}
${Url.Link('Main page', {@controller:'Home', @action:'Index'})}

and these two:

<% component captureFor, {@Id: "head"}: %>
<% component CaptureFor, {@Id: "head"}: %>

At the end of the day it just make me laugh @ myself :))

Now that should be the first trick to get into the castle.
The next step is to keep searching for the Excalibor

Come with me @
http://www.castleproject.org ; http://using.castleproject.org

Monday, August 13, 2007

Excalibor Quest inside the Castle

Do you want to join my quest? here is the Castle and the map ...

Man I love this project, I hope you will love it too.
If you find that not enough to buy you in check my ideal bogger's Ayande.